Upper St. Croix Parish Of the United Methodist Church
Pastor Jenny Lee's Office Hours:
Tuesday: 9am - 5pm at Grantsburg
Wednesday: Mornings by appointment & 3pm - 7pm at Grantsburg
Thursday: 11am - 4pm at SCF
Friday: by appointment only
Our Parish Mission Statement:
"Let us Make Disciples for Jesus Christ in all Generations with Open Hearts, Open Minds and Open Doors for the Transformation of the World." (Matthew 28:19)
Please see Parish News and Sermons regarding at Home service material.
You can also check out our Facebook page for service information-USCP FACEBOOK PAGE LINK
9:00 AM Central at Grantsburg
Click the link to Join Zoom Service
*If you want to join the service via your phone, please dial this number, along with ID and Passcode.
Dial +1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 841 4780 8460 Passcode: 568271
Go to Sermons and click on the links for the bulletin and sermon to print out for your reference.
Upper St. Croix Parish Events
- SU
- MO
- TU
- WE
- TH
- FR
- SA
- 29
- 30
- 1
- 2
Pastor Jenny attends School for Ministry at Green Lake
Go Fish for K-UP (G)
- 3
Pastor Jenny attends School for Ministry at Green Lake
Senior Youth Bible Study (G)
- 4
Pastor Jenny attends School for Ministry at Green Lake
- 5
Grantoberfest in Grantsburg
- 6
World Communion Sunday
Worship Service at Central UMC in Grantsburg
Communion Sunday
Worship Service at Atlas UMC
Worship Service at St. Croix Falls UMC
- 7
- 8
Provisional Elder Mentoring via Zoom
SPRC Meeting (Grantsburg Parsonage)
- 9
UMW Meeting (G)
Junior Youth Gathering (G)
- 10
New Ministry Strategy Board Meeting via Zoom
Youth Band (G)
Senior Youth Bible Study (G)
- 11
Family Game Night (G)
- 12
UM Men’s Meeting (G)
- 13
Potluck Fellowship Following Service (SCF)
Coffee Fellowship following Service (A)
Worship Service at Central UMC in Grantsburg
Worship Service at Atlas UMC
Joint Worship/Laity Sunday Service at Central UMC Grantsburg
Worship Service at St. Croix Falls UMC
- 14
Columbus Day
Harmony Choir Rehearsal at Rice Lake UMC
- 15
Newsletter & Monthly Calendar Deadline to Submit Info
Bishop’s Day Apart at Chapel Heights UMC in Eau Claire
Ad Council Meeting In-Person (G)
Ad Council (G)
- 16
K-up Kids Gathering (G)
- 17
Youth Band (G)
Senior Youth Bible Study (G)
- 18
Ad Council (A)
- 19
- 20
Worship Service at Central UMC in Grantsburg
Worship Service at Atlas UMC
Worship Service at St. Croix Falls UMC
Ad Council (SCF)
- 21
- 22
Deadline to submit Newsletter and Calendar information
Pastor Jenny Volunteers at Loaves & Fishes in Luck
- 23
Junior Youth Gathering (G)
- 24
Youth Band (G)
Senior Youth Bible Study (G)
- 25
Youth Group Fall out at Wood Lake Camp
- 26
Youth Group Fall out at Wood Lake Camp
- 27
Youth Group Fall out at Wood Lake Camp
Reformation Sunday
Worship Service at Central UMC in Grantsburg
Worship Service at Atlas UMC
Worship Service at St. Croix Falls UMC
- 28
- 29
- 30
Blessing Service at Stevens Point
Halloween Party (All kids) (G)
- 31
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween
Youth Band (G)
Senior Youth Bible Study (G)
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