
We’re finally here!!!
The Saint Croix Parish Seekers will be loading up and heading out to Sisston SD (Lake Traverse) on Sunday June 26 about 11:30 am. They return on Friday, July 1st.
We are so excited. We’ll be leaving from Central that day in a 15 passenger van we have been able to rent for the trip, with our sleeping bags, air mattresses and hearts full of ex-citement and hope for a great time in mission to-gether as a group and with other churches, too. Once we arrive we’ll break up into different crews for the week, every day taking turns cooking our meals, cleaning up our living space in the Lutheran Church where we’ll be staying, and then heading off to do one of a couple different things: we’ll spend at least one day leading Kids Club, an ongo-ing VBS type of program that Youthworks runs in the community all summer; one day doing work like painting, cleaning up outdoor space, etc. We’ll worship and do devotions each morning, and at the end of each day gather for worship again and then take time in our parish group to process what we’ve experienced.
The Scripture theme for this year at Youthworks is First Love, based on 1 John 4:19, “We love because God first loved us.” All the lessons we study and all the work we do will flow from that passage.
And we already know what that love feels like because we have experienced it from all of you! So many of you have stepped up to help send us on our way, to encourage us and cheer for us! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!
Now we will go out and share your love with everyone we meet on this trip. When we return, we will share with each congregation during worship what we experienced and learned.
Your sisters in Christ,
Mikala Hammer, Livy Brock, Brooke Swenson, Skyler Swenson and Ping Ru Schaber.
(and Deb Hammer and Pastor Kris)