Together, we spread the gospel of peace and encourage cooperation locally, in the United States and globally.


Peace With Justice Sunday is May 22, 2016

In Arizona border towns, communities facing social challenges are dramatically divided. In Liberian villages, citizens’ human rights are being violated. In local U.S. communities, women and girls are being bought and sold against their will.

Moved by Christ’s love to pursue reconciliation and peace, honoring the dignity of every individual made in God’s image, The United Methodist Church is unwilling to turn a blind eye to injustice.

Although you, and possibly even your congregation, may lack the resources alone to effect change in a broken world, your giving is vital for the UMC to continue its global ministries of reconciliation. Because of the Peace with Justice Sunday offering, the people of The United Methodist Church are able to make a difference together by sowing seeds—and yielding fruit!—of peace.

Equipping The United Methodist Church to Do Justice in Jesus’ Name

When you give on Peace with Justice Sunday, your gift makes possible our critical kingdom work in the world. Because you give:

  • Methodists spearhead a peace ministry uniting Arizona border communities
  • United Methodists in Liberia are being equipped to implement the denomination’s Social Principles to address social-justice issue
  • Pennsylvania students are educating their community about sex-trafficking at home and abroad

These initiatives, and hundreds of other ones, are possible because you give.

Your Giving Makes Possible the Proclamation of Christ’s Peace

Will you continue to support Peace with Justice Sunday? Will you empower local Christians—in Pennsylvania and Arizona and Liberia—to build the kingdom of peace that Jesus ushered in?

In Jesus’ inaugural address, standing in his home synagogue in Nazareth, he detailed his game plan,

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:18-19)

Through your giving good news is proclaimed to—and experienced by—the poor.

Thanks be to God!