I am standing at the door, knocking….

I am standing at the door, knocking. Revelation 3:20

What do you do when you hear someone suddenly pulling up in the driveway? You weren’t expecting company, the house isn’t ready for guests, you have nothing prepared for them. What do you do? Just shove the newspapers under the couch, toss the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and see how many cookies are left in the cookie jar?

What would you do if you saw Jesus outside your door? Race around to hide the trashy romance novels or action videos and dust off the Bible and put it in a place of prominence? Would you turn off the angry talk show host on the radio and put on a Christian radio station?

How would your behavior be different? Would grace become mandatory before every meal? Would you invite all your friends and neighbors over to meet Jesus? Would you have to watch your language, be careful not to gossip? If you had plans to go out, would you take Jesus with you? Where would he see you spending your time and what would he see you doing and saying?

How would you feel when he left? Sad or relieved that the pressure was off?

Why is it that so often our daily living interferes in living the life Jesus calls us to live? To care for one another, speak well of one another. To work to bring God’s kingdom in any way we are called to do it. Even if it means standing up for someone, standing out in the crowd for our words and actions. To publically say, “I am a follower of Jesus of Nazareth, who calls me to live and love as he did.”

We should never have to feel like we would have to prepare for a visit from Jesus. Our daily living, walking and talking should reflect his presence in each of our lives every day, not be something we would need to prepare for. “Remember I am with you, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

In Christ,
Pastor Kris