3/17/24 “The Journey of Salvation” (Membership Caring Month #3)

Click here for Sunday worship material “The Journey of Salvation” (Membership Caring Month #3)  I want to start with something funny that I found on an internet site: A man dies and goes to heaven. Of course, St. Peter meets him at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter says, “Here’s how it works. You need 100…

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3-10-24 “The People of the Bible”

Click here for worship material   “The People of the Bible” (Membership Caring Month #2)  I want to start with something funny that I found on an internet site: Sam shows up at a revival meeting, seeking help. “I need you to pray for my hearing,” he tells the preacher. The preacher puts his fingers on…

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3-3-24 “We are the Body of Christ”

Click here for Sunday worship material   “We are the Body of Christ” (Membership Caring Month #1)   I want to start with something funny that I found on an internet site: A pastor visits an elderly woman from his congregation. As he sits on the couch, he notices a large bowl of peanuts on…

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2-25-24 “Finding Our Mission”

Click here for Sunday worship material “Finding Our Mission” (Stewardship Month #4)   I want to start with something funny that I found on an internet site: An old dollar bill and an even older $50 arrive at a Federal Reserve Bank to be retired. “I’ve had a pretty good life,” the $50 says. “I’ve…

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2-18-24 “Creating Hospitality in Our Church”

Click here for worship material “Creating Hospitality in Our Church” (Stewardship Month #3) I want to start with something funny that I found on an internet site: A man died and went to heaven. He is at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter, who led him down the golden streets. They walk by mansions and…

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2-11-24 “Reconnecting with God and Neighbors!”

Click here for Sunday worship material Genesis 1:26-31   “Reconnecting with God and Neighbors!”             I want to start with something funny that I found on an internet site: A father and small son are traveling on a freeway. The boy says he’s hungry and would love to stop for…

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2-4-24 “The Stewardship Mindset”

Click here for Sunday worship material Genesis 1:26-31 “The Stewardship Mindset” I want to start with something funny that I found on an internet site: There was a strongman at a circus sideshow who demonstrated his power before large audiences every night. Toward the end of one performance, he squeezed the juice from a lemon…

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1-28-24 “Why don’t You Cry Out?”

Click here for Sunday’s worship material Mark 1:21-28 “Why don’t You Cry Out?”  I want to start with something funny that I found on an internet site: Johnny had been misbehaving and was sent to his room. After a while he emerged and informed his mother that he had thought it over and then said…

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1-21-24 “How Can It be?”

Click here for Sunday worship material Mark 1:14-20 “How Can It be?” I want to start with something funny I found on an internet site: A Priest was driving down to Boston on Christmas Eve when got stopped for speeding in Medford. The highway patrol officer smelled alcohol on the priest’s breath and then saw…

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1-14-24 “Come and See!”

Click here for Sunday’s worship materials John 1: 43-51 Pastor Jenny Lee, Ph.D. “Come and See!” I want to start with something funny I found on an internet site: Three buildings in town were overrun by squirrels: the town hall, the hardware store, and the church. The town hall brought in some cats. But after…

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