Holy Week Schedule

Maundy Thursday Services

5:30, Wolf Creek

7:00, St. Croix Falls

7:00, Grantsburg

Good Friday

5:15, Service at Grantsburg

6:30, Ecumenical Service at Osceola UMC

7:00, Ecumenical Service at Atlas

Easter Sunday

7:00, Sunrise Service at Grantsburg

7:45, UM Men Sponsored Easter Breakfast at Grantsburg (free will offering)

Celebration Services

8:15am, Wolf Creek

9:00 am, Grantsburg

10:00 am, St. Croix Falls

11:00 am, Atlas (Atlas will have an Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday rather than Easter Sunday)

10:15, Coffee Fellowship and Easter Egg Hunt at Grantsburg

11:00, Coffee Fellowship at St. Croix Falls