imagesWP88W07G“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40

In Jesus’ time “these brothers and sisters” were children, women, tax collectors, and beggars, those with physical handicaps or mental illness, harlots, drunkards, families without a male head of household, and gentiles. While society still struggles with some of these groups, we have made and continue to make great strides with others.

In September, we collected money to assist the residents of the Butterfly House, people, who society would place in the category of “the least of these”. In the time that I have been here at St. Croix Falls UMC it has become apparent to me that we as a congregation view these women as our neighbors and have embraced them, in a sense, adopting the Butterfly House as one of our own. I recently spent time with Doreen Rivard, Director of the Butterfly House and I learned a lot about the program and its participants. Doreen and I discussed some ways in which we could help them beyond the financial giving (remember, Hands and Feet). Stay tuned for more on this in the near future. It was a blessing to meet and get to know Doreen and although she is unaccustomed to promoting the program in public, Doreen graciously consented to step out of her comfort zone and share the following:

Butterfly House is a long-term transitional sober house for adult women located in St. Croix Falls, WI. Since Butterfly House opened in 2007, the United Methodist Church has been a community partner in helping us to help our residents help themselves.

Our Mission is to provide a safe, sober residence for women in recovery from alcohol or other drug dependency while introducing sober living skills, peer-to-peer fellowship and support, and educational experiences that will aid them in the transition back into their families and communities.

Residents of Butterfly House are referred from the Wisconsin Department of Community Corrections (prison or jail), drug and alcohol treatment centers, homeless shelters, hospital detox centers and surrounding communities. All residents are required to remain clean and sober, become employed full-time, budget and save money, pay past and current financial obligations on time, attend daily recovery meetings, participate in regular service to the community, identify and work towards accomplishing health, recovery, financial and relationship goals, follow all house rules/probation rules/court orders/bond conditions/commitment orders, participate in maintenance of Butterfly House, complete drug education and relapse prevention studies, maintain a respectful relationship with staff/volunteers/fellow housemates, and demonstrate honesty and responsibility in their daily affairs. Term of stay is 6 months to one year.

FVI–Butterfly House is the primary community outreach project of Moms and Dads against Meth, Incorporated and is supported by foundation grants, private donations and residency fees. All staff and board members are non-paid volunteers.

Until next time, Thank You for showing God’s love to our neighbors.

Pat Bjork
