June 2024
“Why do We Need the New Directory?”
“The Lord spoke to Moses in the Tent of Meeting in the desert of Sinai on the first day of the second month of second year after the Israelis came out of Egypt. He said, “take a census of the whole Israelite community by their clans and families, listing every man by name, one by one.” (Numbers 1:1-2)
Recently, we’ve been working on a new Parish Directory. When I suggested making a new directory, some of the members wondered why we needed a new one, since we made one in 2020. Yes, we did make one. However, it needs to be updated. Since I have been here for five years, I have noticed many changes in our parishioners: some of them left, some have had their information change and some new members have joined. Some of you might think that nothing has changed, but I discern that we have had many changes.
When we made the first directory, I didn’t know much about our parishioners. So, we relied on Sunday attendance records and an old directory, which was made in 2011, along with older information to put it together. However, now, I know who our parishioners are. As I collect and enter their information into the directory one by one, many memories and their stories come to my mind. Everyone is unique and precious before God. I wonder if this is like Noah’s mindset, wanting to invite more people and living creatures into the Ark. I don’t want to miss anyone; rather, I want to include everyone who wishes to maintain their membership and friendship with our church and parish. So, I carefully check and review each entry one by one.
In biblical history, we find that God ordered Moses to make a directory, which is the Book of Numbers. “The Lord spoke to Moses in the Tent of Meeting in the desert of Sinai on the first day of the second month of second year after the Israelis came out of Egypt. He said, “take a census of the whole Israelite community by their clans and families, listing every man by name, one by one” (Numbers 1:1-2). After the exodus from Egypt, God ordered Moses to make a list of all the people in the Israelites community. Of course, the primary purpose of the listing of all the people was to discern who might stand on the front line when they faced challenges on their journey. In other words, God organized the Israelites as a strong group so they would be equipped to overcome any challenges on their journey through the wilderness toward the Promised Land. Through this listing, they chose the leaders, workers, and solders of each clan.
In addition, the Annual Conference requests the Statistical Report from each local church annually. Through this report, the Annual Conference maintains a connection with individual local churches and supports each church in its faith journey. This is a unique system for the United Methodist Church, which is a connectional church. Annual Conference, under the Bishop’s oversight, decides which pastor to appoint to the individual local church, and how best to provide support to the local churches.
A church directory is a smaller compared to the Israelite’s census in the Book of Numbers, or Annuals Conference’s Statistical Report. However, it serves the same purpose of equipping us for our faith journey. A church directory helps us to navigate our future ministry, as well as strengthens our current ministry. It can be a valuable tool for local church ministry, assisting pastors and leaders in connecting with individuals.
In making the new directory, I was able to discern the strength and weakness of the three individual churches, and navigate future ministry. I believe that this directory will guide us on our faith journey. As a pastor, I connect with each member individually because we are the church, each of us. I believe that it is time to embrace one another in Jesus Christ. It is time to care for the hidden members, those who are listed in the directory, but are never present at church. Let us embrace one another and walk together in one Spirit towards God. I don’t want to miss anyone whom God has entrusted to us in our parish. Let’s journey together to the Promised Land of God.
Pastor Jenny