June 2019

June 2019

And Jesus said, “Young man, I say to you, rise!” The dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother. (Luke 7:14b-15)

Rise and Be Bold! Jesus Is Calling Your Name.

I prepared this article specifically for our church graduates (Linda Harmon, Mikala Hammer, Rachel Tooze, Olivia Brock [High school] & Zach Manley [College]), but especially the high school graduates . I want to share it with not only with them but also all of congregation. Please, bless
their new journey and keep supporting them spiritually and physically.

I think I am still young. I am just 35 years old and got married 4 years ago. Also, I did not have much experience with public life, but I have felt and agreed it was a great time when I was a student at middle school, high school, college, and graduate school.

Of course, I totally agree that it is a difficult thing to go to a school every day. Also, sometimes you can think you don’t have much freedom because of your parents and regular school life, however, it is also true that it is a great thing to live with your parents and family.

Living with family means that you can share not only your joys but also your concerns, sadness, and difficulties with close relational people.

However, it is time that as a high school graduate you may leave your parents and family. It means you need to get up yourself and go to college and also take on a lot of responsibilities yourself.

Finally, almost all of you will take more than tens of thousands dollars in student loans automatically. One of my colleagues is 62 years old but he still has to pay off his student loans over the course of 30 years. This loan will be your soul mate unconditionally well into your future.

The actor Robert De Niro’s speech at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts four years ago was “Yay! Congratulations! You made it, but you are xxxx”. Yes. Robert De Niro used F-word for emphasizing lots of hardships, difficulties, and some problems to face in the real world to graduates. (It is a fun and meaningful speech, so I recommend you watch a full version of his speech on YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y1hyAf8xy0)

However, remember this Gospel message. Jesus clearly said to you, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” It is 100% true that you will have a happy church and worldly life after graduation. You will also definitely face difficulties, despair, and problems, and it will sometimes have made you hopeless and frustrated in your future life, not only in the secular world but also at church. But don’t worry about it. As your pastor, I will give you only one perfect method to solve your
upcoming problems.

Do not depend on wrong methods to solve your problems. Lean on Christ Jesus. Read the Bible and remember Jesus’ teaching and pray for solutions to your problems.

You may think that I am just saying this because I am the pastor. Yes. I know these are traditional and classic Christian methods, but they clearly work and may help you.

Remember, the Holy Spirit is to be with you wherever you are, whatever you do, even when you are having a hard time. Your parents are praying for you with love. Your pastors are also praying for you every day. Your church family is praying for you and your new journey. You are not alone, because even when you leave our city we are still with you spiritually. Our Lord, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit is always with you.

The church was here. The church is currently here. The church will be here as your home church with the Holy Spirit.

Bless your new journey and love you in Christ Jesus.

Pastor Kook Ho Kim