ASH Wednesday Services for 2017
Confirmation Class Retreat 3-17-3/18
One Great Hour of Sharing
Daylight Savings Time 3/12/17 2:00 AM
Children’s Fun Sunday’s at Atlas in March
Lenten Book Study
Soup Supper During Lent at St. Croix Falls UMC
Thank you to all who contributed to the 2016 Christmas Store. This year we were able to help 30 families with a total of 98 children have a Merrier Christmas. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Sincerely, The Christmas Store Committee
Read MoreSPRC TRAINING – 2/4/17
SPRC TRAINING Saturday, February 4, 2017—9:00 am-12:00 pm If you are a new or returning member of your church’s Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC), please register for the upcoming SPRC training. All SPRC members are required to attend and learn about their responsibilities. It is especially important that new SPRC chairs and new committee members attend…
Read MoreGrantsburg UMC ~ Stewardship Grant Comments
Grantsburg UMC ~ Stewardship Grant Comments What Are Apportionments? Apportionments are a combination of funds needed to provide the minimum level of financial support for the mission and ministry of the United Methodist Church as a denomination. Plus the funds needed to provide the minimum level of mission and ministry support within the Wisconsin Annual…
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