Operation Christmas Child Fall Kick-Off
Virtual Sunday School Monday’s 4-6 pm
World Communion Sunday Mask Contest 10-4-20
Book Sale 9/18-9/19 Central UMC
BOOK SALE CENTRAL UMC Friday, September 18th 3:00-6:00 pm & Saturday, September 19th 9:00 am-12:00 pm. There will be a nice assortment of books available for sale. Some are like new! If anyone is available to help set up on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning, please call Mary McNally at 715-791-8010. Thank you…
Read MoreConfirmation Ceremony & 3rd Grade Bible Presentation 9/13/20
USCP Home Services through End of May 2020
The “Stay Home” order has been extended through May 26. This means we cannot hold service at church during this time. We will continue to email, mail and post on our website the weekly bulletin and sermon along with any other pertinent information. Pastor Jenny is working on potential online service options like Zoom and…
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