All Saints Sunday falls on the very first Sunday in November. So why are we talking about it here? To give you time to plan, to help us come together on that day, Sunday November 2 in worship to celebrate and give thanks for those saints in our lives who have gone before us and now live in God’s glory.

We are inviting you to prepare for this day in worship by finding and bringing a picture of your loved one(s) with you to church between now and Nov. 1. Please don’t bring anything larger than a 5×7 picture if at all possible. It’s easiest if it’s framed or mounted in some way. We will keep them tucked away safely between now and then, and on Nov. 1, each church will have a table set up front to display these pictures of our loved ones, so that all can see them. And on that day, we will also read their names aloud during our prayers, giving thanks to God for their presence in our lives. So join us on Sunday Nov. 1, as we celebrate the great cloud of witnesses that has gone before us and give thanks for their lives among us.