The king has one more move!

Dear Friends,

One of my favorite Easter sermons wasn’t given by me, but heard years ago when I was in Seminary.   The pastor started telling the story of a couple trying to come to grips with the death of their infant son.  Then he told the story of a woman whose husband had left her after she had been diagnosed with cancer.  These people had come to the end of their endurance and could not go on.  The young couple’s marriage was disintegrating and the woman was contemplating suicide.

Then suddenly, the pastor changed the focus of the story.  He talked about a picture in an art gallery, a painting of two people playing a game of chess.  The name of the painting was “Checkmate”.  He told of a young man who spent hours in front of the painting staring at the images on the canvas.  Everyone watching him assumed he was an art student studying the works composition, its style, etc.  But one day during his time of intense scrutiny he shouted aloud:  “It’s not!!  The king has one more move!”

The King has one more move.  A young couple full of grief over the loss of their son.  God came to them in the form of family and friends who journeyed with them through their anguish, and helped them to find hope and healing through their tears.

The King has one more move.  A young woman left along found God’s love in the arms of the health care professionals, as well as family and friends who carried her through her illness until she reached for the other side.

As followers of Jesus, we know that Good Friday always gives way to Easter.  We know that no matter our despair, our pain, our fear, God is always walking with us, helping us bring our burdens and our sin to the cross, where they are nailed along with the One who gave his life for us.  No matter what our trials, no matter our fear or pain, the King always has one more move, if we are willing to trust in His promises.

As we finish our journey through Lent into Holy Week and the promise of Easter, take time to reflect on the moves the King has made in your life, and give thanks for the One whose death made this promise sure: “The King has one more move!”

God’s richest Blessings to each of you as you celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Pastor Kris