10-16-22 Let Us Celebrate Our Ministry! (Laity Sunday)

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Let Us Celebrate Our Ministry!

It is Laity Sunday. We all are called by God as ministers. Today, we celebrate our 2022 ministry. So, our lay leaders (committee chairs) will present their ministries. But, it is not only their ministry, but also our ministry. They stand at the frontline, but we all work together for God and God’s people. The United Methodist Church calls all God’s people ministers (see the insert). God called us, and chose us as His ministers. We, ministers, work together in diverse ways according to our gifts and talents. Some work at offices, some work in the fields; Some work for worship, some work for fellowship; Some work for the church, some work for the community. Some work in the forefront; some work behind the scenes. You all are involved in God’s ministry. Church is not a building, but the people. We are the church. We are the body of Christ. When each of you come closer to God, and commit to each part of the church ministry, our church grows in a better way. God bless you all! If you can’t come to Sunday service on October 16th, please use my article below to follow, as you meditate wherever you are.




“Perhaps, There Must Be a Reason!” 

(Published in Inter County Leader, 10-12-2022)

A month ago, our church Trustee Committee members visited my parsonage for the annual inspection. While they looked around inside and outside the parsonage, I thought I might talk to them about what concerns I had. I love my parsonage and appreciate our parishioners who care for me and the parsonage. But, I didn’t like the two big trees in my backyard. I wish I could cut them down because they are so close to the house. I may say, ‘they look ugly.’ So, I asked them to look at the two trees and said carefully, “Why don’t we cut them down or cut one of them down?” They said, “Hum, we understand what you are saying. We will consider it.” However, one of them said, “You are right. They didn’t grow in an attractive way. But, they protect the parsonage building from the north wind. If we cut them down now, the north wind may damage the parsonage.” I was surprised at his wisdom. I never thought that they protected my house. I judged the trees by their outward appearance. Even though the two trees looked ugly, there was a reason someone planted them in the backyard. Since then, I have kept them in my mind whenever I look at them. I feel that, well, ‘they look good enough.’

This experience reminded me that “God does not look at the things by their outward appearance as man does, but God looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:17). We know how God chose David as the king of the Israelites. God chose David, who was a more petite boy. Nobody expected he would be a king. Even his father, Jesse, and the prophet Samuel never knew. However, God, who looks at the heart, chose him among his brothers. God could see his potential abilities and future while others saw him as a little boy. David, the more petite boy, could protect the Israelites from their enemy, the Philistines. He took five smooth stones instead of the sword to fight with a giant soldier Goliath. He said to him, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty.” (1 Samuel 17:45). David, who couldn’t see God’s plan, believed in God, and he didn’t think about what he could see, like the giant man, scary sword and spear. Perhaps, it must be the reason God chose him. He finally won against the Philistines in the name of God. He saw what God wanted him to see, which we often fail to see.

We often judge the outward appearance we can see without thinking of the meaning, as did I. I judged the two trees in my backyard, seeing their ugly shapes without knowing how they protected my parsonage. You also may have a similar experience, whether in a family relationship, friendship, relationship with your coworkers, or, somehow, in seeing yourselves. We often fail to see their potentialities, and we often fail to see our potential abilities, which haven’t developed yet. We all have strengths and weaknesses. In other words, weaknesses mean a growing edge. Perhaps, there must be a reason that we have a growing edge. The growing edge literally means, “currently it is growing.” Trust them and trust yourself.  We all have a lot of growing edges, imagining how we are all growing in the future. Thanks be to God! Amen!