Mission Statement at Central

Do you know what the Mission Statement is for our church? At the Annual Conference, Adam Hamilton stated that the churchs mission statement should be short enough to fit on a bumper sticker. He went on to say that we should be using our mission statement at the beginning of our committee meetings and that a mission statement should be measurable as to how well the church is living up to their mission. Right now, Centrals Mission statement is quite lengthy and wordy“. If you are interested you can look it up, but I am not going to write it out in this article for the newsletter. Unless there is some objections to it, the Administrative Council will consider changing our Mission Statement before our Charge Conference this fall.

Here are some of the suggestions we have received:

Our mission at Central United Methodist Church is to….

1. be a light for Christ to our community

2. be seen (known) as the hands and feetof God in our community and our world.

3. let the Light of Jesus Christ shine through us as we try to follow Him. (follow in His footsteps)

4. let the community and the world know we are Christians by our acts of love.

Think about these suggestions and let us know which one you feel best reflects the mission of our church. If you have a statement you would like us to consider, write it down and drop it off at the church office or put it in an envelope and drop it in the collection plate on Sunday.

We are looking forward to using the mission statement on a regular basis. We want the congregation and the community to know what our mission is at Central United Methodist Church