Stewardship Task Force at Central by Terry Giles

The Stewardship Task Force will be applying for the second year Challenge Grant from the Wisconsin Conference. The idea behind the grant is to challenge congregations to do things they have never done before. The Grant provides money to be used to support the tasks that we might not otherwise feel we could do because of budget restraints. This year the Task Force has chosen the task of a congregationwide studyas one of the task we plan to complete.

We chose the Study Treasureby Jacob Armstrong. It consists of daily reading, followed by a few questions and suggested activities to help you see the impact God has on your life. When I brought the idea to the Task Force, the initial reaction was ~ I dont have time for something like this!The feeling was overwhelming, but as we discussed it and looked at the readings, we began to realize something like this may be just what is needed to get our priorities straight.

It will realistically require about 10 minutes to read the scripture, written reflection and prayer. The questions and activities will be up to how much time you have in your schedule. You may want to spend some time as a family discussing the daily reading. The readings are similar to what you find in the Upper Room if you are using that for a daily reading. (Sorry, no large print books are available)

In September the study books and a letter of instruction will be handed out to those families who attend church. The families that havent been to church will receive the material by mail.

On Sunday, October 1st, right after church and before you go to coffee fellowship, we will gather to watch a short introduction to the study on our newly installed television in the Wesley Room.

Daily readings begin on Sunday, October 1st. The book is divided into four sections with each week having a specific topic. Week one: we will be reading about Where Is Your Treasure?Each reading that week will be about discovering what you treasure in your life.

On October 8th we will meet for a short video about week one and then go to fellowship where hopefully you will discuss your reactions to the daily readings with those around your table at coffee.

Imagine the entire congregation reading the same thing. It should be a powerful experience for all of us.